Do you envision a post-prohibition world with respect for drugs and justice for all? Are you a young person, student, researcher, professor, mentor, leader, business person, designer, marketer…a motivated human who is eager to join our movement to bring change to drug policies?


Join a campus team

We support teams on Universities and TAFEs around Australia to build communities with their peers on campus and connect them with the wider movement for drug policy change.


Join our research team

The Research Team produces and improves the evidence-base for SSDP’s policy positions, campaigns and other actions through rigorous analysis of literature and other data-sets, and by conducting youth-led research projects.


Join our comms team

SSDP’s Comms Team (a.k.a Communications and Marketing Team) produces and distributes various types of content to a diverse range of target audiences.


Join our expert network

Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia (SSDP) would not exist without the support of a diverse range of academic and non-academic experts. These experts have provided our organisation with strategic advice, and have mentor our young volunteers.


Join our survey pool

Join Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia's survey pool so you can take ownership of the organisation and help inform our direction and give us feedback.


Participate in a focus group

Do you love talking about drugs? Do you wonder why Australia isn’t changing its drug policies faster? Or why drug policy isn’t talked about more? Reckon SSDP could be doing something better?


We’re also constantly developing more ways you can get involved, so please stay tuned :)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us