Participate in a focus group!
Do you love talking about drugs? Do you wonder why Australia isn’t changing its drug policies faster? Or why drug policy isn’t talked about more? Reckon SSDP could be doing something better?
Come to one of our upcoming focus groups to discuss topics like these.
Your discussions will help inform our organisation’s strategy and optimise how we empower you and our community to bring change to drug policies and reduce drug-related harms!
Current Focus Groups
We are organising focus groups to inform how we support and connect tertiary students as they adapt to the disruptions and upheavals of 2020. We’ll be running several online focus groups between November and January for (1) uni students, (2) TAFE students, (3) uni teachers, and (4) TAFE teachers. We’re currently seeking applications from people who may be able to participate.
We’re focusing on students & teachers from uni campuses in Victoria and TAFE campuses in metropolitan Melbourne, as we strengthen our base before scaling further nationally. Some spots will also be reserved for students and teachers from university campuses in NSW and WA, where our Campus Network will be expanded in 2021.
Focus groups will run for 60-90 mins and be held online, via video call.
Topics we’ll be discussing include:
How can drug policy activism adapt to COVID-19?
How can SSDP reach and engage young people and students on & off campus, offline and online?
How can tertiary teachers and staff support students’ engagement in drug policy activism?
How can students and young people who use drugs be better supported?
Participants will receive a $25AUD gift card for completing a focus group and short feedback survey.
Focus group sessions will be video & audio recorded and transcribed. All focus group transcripts will be de-identified, and any information we collect that could potentially identify you (e.g. your personal contact information) will remain confidential. Any focus group data we publish (e.g. for organisation reports) will not contain any identifying information, and quotes will be carefully selected in order to protect your identity.
To apply to participate in one of these focus groups, please fill out the form for the group that matches you best:
Focus Group #1: For students at a university in Victoria, NSW, or WA.
Focus Group #2: For students at a TAFE in metropolitan Melbourne.
Focus Group #3: For teachers at a university in Victoria, NSW, or WA.
Focus Group #4: For teachers at a TAFE in metropolitan Melbourne.
Future Focus Groups
Don’t fit into one of the above groups, or think you’ve got more to say? We’re also seeking people to express their interest in participating in other focus groups that we may run later in Summer 2020/2021: